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Wedding Details

Sunday, 05 November 2017
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Mas Montagnette,
198 West 21st Street, NY

+1 843-853-1810

  -  Wedding   -  Our photographer's tips on how to maintain a natural pose during a shoot

Our photographer's tips on how to maintain a natural pose during a shoot

During a shoot put these tips into practice and you will see, it will be child's play!

On your wedding day, every moment is precious and capturing it in its authentic beauty is essential for beautiful memories.

Maintaining a natural pose during the photo shoot can seem like a challenge, especially with the excitement and agitation of the day, but fear not... our photographer has a few tips for you to help you feel comfortable in front of the lens!

1. Be yourself

The secret to looking natural in photos is to be authentic. Do not try to imitate poses that do not represent you.

We know how to capture your true essence, so relax and behave as you normally would.

2. Interact with your partner

The best photos are often those that capture genuine interactions. Look your partner in the eye, exchange smiles, laugh together. These spontaneous moments make photos full of emotion and authenticity.

3. Light movements

Don't stay too static. Small movements, such as adjusting your dress, moving a lock of hair or walking hand in hand, add dynamism to photos and make them look more natural.

Movement also helps to release tension and make the atmosphere more relaxed. .. And you will see that after a few minutes you will already feel at ease!

4. Breathe and relax

Breathing is essential to relax. Take deep breaths before starting the shoot.

This will help you reduce stress, a relaxed body always looks more natural in photos.

5. Communicate with the photographer

Do not hesitate to talk to the photographer, share any insecurities or ideas you have.

We will be able to guide you and put you at ease, creating a comfortable and pleasant working environment.

6. Have fun!

Remember that this is your special day. Enjoy every moment and let your happiness shine through in the photos.

Genuine, happy expressions are the most beautiful to capture.


By following these simple tips, you will be able to maintain a natural pose and get beautiful photos that will reflect the true essence of your love and joy on your wedding day!


Contact us to value your special day with a personalised shoot.